-its hard to remember any place in this world that speaks only "the" language. what is called a "mother tongue" is a dominancy, an institutional tendency of some power relations. as it is when we say i am coming from that place: i came there from somewhere else, and to there also from other place, and that goes to somewhere quite distinct and obscure. it may be same with an idea, an exhibiting idea: distinct and obscure, continously differential and differentiated. it is like an island floating, and in this huge ocean you somehow encounter it, and than pass away it again. an island is there already in a virtual sense, opposed to actual when you are on it. this is not a-combination of bringing an island with an ocean or a continental land. as it is the case, it is not combinations of coins, they are unjust coins, combined not in this exhibition, but already before, which is not obscure and still distinct. where do people on the coins looking at, to whom, how, when? i think these are the questions.

-yes, there are partitions in the installation but not codes. yes; drawing is a code, so as painting, and so as installation. but there have always been some singularities which donot decode but code it to the extreme, to the limit, to delimit. i am just trying. to blacken, to scratch, to scribble, to redden, to wash red, black and blue water color tablets, to rasp monochrome minimalistic coins, that is what i am doing. as long as i repeat those actions some traces from underneath emerge. two differnet coins from two different countries, put them under a white paper and scratch with a pencil. you will see two "1", which are not equal. one is not equal to one!! i think this is a puzzle.

-there is charm in being discreet..

-i donot know what you mean when you say "on the border of Asia and Europe", so i could not answer it. as for the question concerning Istanbul and inspiration and an artist, i think my mind does not work with inspirations. when shakespeare speaks with the tongue of hamlet, it is not only about Denmark. all the a.i.r of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your breath.
